Tuesday 14 January 2014

Why Am I Not In Labour Yet?! - 14/01/14

This is bullshit.

Where is my plug? My contractions? My waters?

I've been a bit like a child trying to sleep through Christmas Eve all night, keeping one eye open hoping to catch a glimpse of the magic. Turns out a sweep is as real as the fat man in a red suit.

I admit that I was a little suspicious at how little the sweep hurt once I got home and googled. I didn't find anyone who referred to it as completely painless, it was hardly uncomfortable at its best but I wouldn't even call mine that. That cow must have given me a placebo sweep!

There was one point where I thought I had a bit of a contraction but I even doubt that now. I was watching TV and it felt a bit like I'd involuntarily tensed my bladder region, which could be down to baby moving normally but this time the sensation held for at least 15 seconds. It wasn't the sensation but the duration that got my attention but then I noticed I had the blanket tucked between my thighs so pulled it out in case it was causing it and then I couldn't feel it anymore.

During the night baby has felt very heavy against my public bone as I stood to go to the toilet but she does that occasionally anyway.

I really hoped it might just trigger some active progression and now I feel pretty pissed off. A sweep, sex, excessive bouncing on my ball, two massages with clary sage, a bath in clary sage, raspbery leaf tea, lunges up three stairs at a time and 2000mg of evening primrose rose up my vag before bed and all I've got to show for it is greasy arse cheeks.

How anticlimactic.

I don't know what it is but I keep waking up with a nauseous urge to eat in the middle of the night like I did in the first trimester. That is pissing me off too.

I'm going to be grumpy as hell today.

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