Wednesday 15 January 2014

Maybe Some Progress - 15/01/14

How many consecutive days of entries is that now? One might assume that one has acquired a slight obsession.

Last night was a bit intense. I found myself sleeping on my back throughout the night because my stomach really hurt every time I rolled on to my side. It was like I'd pulled every single muscle in my abdomen and the weight of baby was too much to bear.

It did occur to me that perhaps it was some form of braxton hicks but it wasn't in waves or anything, it was perpetual so I thought that maybe I had literally pulled all the muscles in my abdomen when I was doing my lunges up three stairs at a time.

However, come the morning the discomfort was gone so I'm not sure that tallies with actual injury.

I spent the day playing with the little one as she has been very active as per usual. I pretend to tickle her feet and she tries to kick me in the head with all her might... maybe that is why they start off so small. If they came out larger they'd probably unwittingly kill their parents due to lack of perspective and the species would abruptly end.

We did some shopping in IKEA during which my back was killing but my bump felt fine. Hard, but it's always hard with madam mooning me all the time.

I ate a Nandos no problem and went home where I bounced and I bounced and I bounced.

I've been focusing on raising a hormone called oxytocin (also referred to as the cuddle hormone) which is apparently responsible for labour and contractions. It is produced in response to feelings of bonding, affection, pleasurable stimulation, etc so James has been making a laboured effort to be tactile towards me with a nice hug here and kissing my neck there. 

I tried something new which was covering my boobs in vegetable oil and groping myself with puppet hands squeezing and suckling on my aureoles and nipples. I've been a but worried that one of my boobs has dried up but by the end of the 30 mins they were both really quite juicy, relatively speaking. They each gave up a few teeny tiny drops on more than one squeeze. This may help milk supply but it also aims to release oxytocin.

Then I had a clary sage bath and went to the trouble of lighting loads of tea candles and switching out the lights for a sensual atmosphere. As it happens though, you can have too many tea candles. Combined, they must have been giving off more light than a 100W bulb! After spending ages lighting them all, I quickly blew them all out again but for one.

Out of the bath and I thought I'd better get some perineum massage in with my Epi-no so I got my alcohol wipes out and sterilised my down below and as I lifted the wipe away I had to stop myself from squeeing out loud! A chunk of mucus! An actual sizable chuck of mucus!!!

I informed James and I could tell he was as thrilled as me in spite of the repulsed expression and "Ewww!".

I've taken a pic which James assures me that no one wants to see, so I'll just describe it instead because it is fairly generic. It's a cream coloured bogey with a tinge of green that is about 15mm by 10mm and has the consistancy of your standard snotty discharge. It wasn't as rubbery as yesterday's offering but it was slightly more dense than your average blob of muscus.

I suppose it was a bit of a storm in a tea cup because after it was fully acknowledged, that was it. It didn't really mean anything on its own.

I massaged clary sage all over my bump just in case there were contractions looming but nothing has come of it yet.

I did more lunges and now I'm lying in bed anticipating another James' special sweep.

It's his birthday tomorrow and he seems to think its be cool to share a birthday with the baby so he has been starting to show his own growing irritation at a lack of real progress.

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