Monday 20 January 2014

Definitely My Last Antenatal Midwife Appointment - 20/01/14

Pfft. My second official sweep done and dusted, another exercise in futility.

I know I said I'd be in a better mood from now on but I actually feel worse than ever today. I didn't sleep well but had managed to finally drop off right in time to tear myself out of bed for my appointment at 9:30am so I felt bloody awful dragging my arse out of bed.

I managed to make my way to the clinic on autopilot and there was no smiles for anyone caught gawking at my gut. They got a "what the hell are you looking at" glare and I didn't even feel bad, that's very very unlike me.

The midwife wasn't my usual one again and she was on her own today which resulted in her being more friendly and chatty, not that I was in the mood for it.

Pee fine, blood pressure fine, heart beat fine.

Fundal measurement unchanged for the third week in a row but me confirming that the baby was still active seemed to satisfy her. The lines on the graph in my folder seem to plateaux after 40 week too so it's not as if she's dropped in percentile either.

I was a bit disappointed with her comments during my sweep. Still 3/5 engaged, fully effaced and my dilation had only gone from 1cm to 1-2cm which seems like no progress at all to me after all my bouncing and even my DIY sweeps.

She also seemed to think the presentation of my cervix was less favourable, a bit further back, and she admitted to not having long enough fingers to really get inside though which is annoying.

Strangely, the good news is that I at least felt the sweep a bit today. Just a bit of pulling but it was better than nothing. 

I did appreciate her take on me feeling I'd probably end up being induced as she is the first person who didn't seem horrified on my behalf. She had one herself (yonks ago) and she said she didn't have an epidural or anything and the pain is just pain at the end of the day and you get through it as long as you keep calm. She said they'd probably just need to insert a hormone tampon and the rest would be how I'd have progressed naturally. It was nice to hear it anyway.

As I left she told me to "Go away and have a baby" but the good humour behind it was lost on me and my foul mood.

Checking through my notes she wrote something that I need to google because it sounds rubbish... Here it is: "Ex effaced (aka fully effaced). Not well applied" 

Oh and another thing: "Head above spines"

I'll google now.

Ok, so the not applied bit means that there is no pressure on the cervix and the above spines bit is pretty much the same thing, that the head isn't past the base of my pelvis.


I got home and got right back in bed and slept until 2pm and now I just feel sleepy and unsatisfied. Nothing I eat hits the spot and I know I'm thirsty but I just can't drink much.

I've had really smelly wet poops too that are quite crampy and my bum is a bit twingey but nothing consistent.

Early night for me I think.

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