Saturday 18 January 2014

40 Weeks Pregnant

What a load of utter bollocks this due date thing is turning out to be. I can't believe that I'm 40 weeks pregnant and still no bloody anything. It's not just that there isn't any baby, there isn't any suggestion that baby will come any time soon either!

Sure I've got some more bullshit symptoms like I had loose bowels today after not going at all for a few days, my labia are really sore and my back is killing but let's get real. I've had two curries so the shits is no surprise, I've been bouncing on a giant rubber ball constantly so big surprise my bits are bruised and I tried sleeping sitting up so a cricked back is no shocker.

The only possible real symptom is that my mood became really dark to the point I could physically feel my face getting hotter but I had just learnt that one of the girls due at the same time has developed high blood pressure so gets to be induced by Monday.

Woah, when I heard that I really was livid. I know it's crazy because it's a serious thing but all I could think was that she was a fucking cheating bitch. However, I felt less pissed when I discovered that she's strapped up to a monitor at the hospital until they can induce her.

Today has been a pretty rubbish day all in all though.

It's my birthday tomorrow so I'm getting older and James has been whinging that he's feeling ill so that is setting me up for a good day. Plus, and I know it's my own fault, but I said I didn't want any presents and I actually think I'm not getting one. I thought I'd have a baby by now so my birthday would be way in the background. I suggested going out somewhere instead but now it's like it's my job to decide where to go and what to do. James might have thought of somewhere by now, but I resent having to have the conversation where I explain to him that I don't want to have to make any decisions on my birthday.

Then loads of people have been in touch asking if I've had any twinges. I was really niave on that one because I honestly thought that people wouldn't be that bloody obvious. I will never ever tell anyone my due date ever again! 

Sure, it's different if they're just chatting or have been keeping in touch as the date approaches, making sure that I'm ok and offering to help keep me sane but it's not like that at all. They literally just contacted me today out of the blue, some for the first time in several months, and they are either coincidently checking on how I'm doing and others just come right out and ask "Any twinges yet?".

It's amazingly annoying and what is worse is that while some at least have the decency to fess up to them being rubbish for not contacting me more recently, others try to bullshit me with excuses as if I'm supposed to believe they haven't had one afternoon free for a promised meet up for the past 180+ days. Not a 30 minute email, not a 10 minute text. No time at all to spare...

... Except that you post your life on facebook, genius! I can see exactly what you've been upto.

I did get the nursery painted, but then I tried to do the back porch too and after an hour of painting stood back and realised that it's the most disgusting colour ever.

Sooooooo a very stressful and shitty day, as expected I suppose.

General pregnancy symptom-wise, I woke up to a bloody nose this morning. I hadn't even had time to pick it or blow it so I hadn't done anything to cause it, but I felt a bit of wetness so dabbed it on my top (very classy bird) and it was bright red. James fetched some tissue and when I did blow it, it was a massive bright red jelly clot.

I joked to a friend tongue in cheek that it was my bloody show but I know she reads this and I would be too embarrassed to use the exact same gag twice.

Baby is fine. Having a jolly good old time in my belly. I actually thought I felt toes earlier!

Oh, but there is a disgusting clicking coming from my belly every now and again, more and more frequently. I've googled and apparently it's a common(ish) thing but no one actually knows what the cause is. Some midwives and doctors don't even believe women when they mention it so I recorded it happening earlier but even then it sounds like I've just caught a nail on my iPad. That's what it sounds like. Click.

I'll try to upload the video, but I might have forgot my vimeo password.

My skin is still dry, but now baby has delayed so long that the inevitable has happened. I've now got two big red spots on my face. Photos from the left only on the day!

In addition my wax is also starting to turn into angry red ingrown hairs *sigh*

Hair is rubbish. It feels really dry without enough grease to it, so when I do wash it (which is still about weekly or longer) I go super heavy with the conditioner and this time it went really fly away and frizzy lie, it had gone too soft.

Boobs are fine and pain free, no issues there.

Everything is fine really except my slightly hot temper.

Oh! Weight... I was really hoping to not see the next stone appear on the scales during my pregnancy but I have put on 2lbs this week and I'm now only 0.6 lb away from it. Chances aren't good and I swear it will be a very dark day indeed when I get there. I told James and his response was "wow, that's not far off me!" Yeah right! Maybe back in 2009.

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