Sunday 19 January 2014

We Missed The Boat, Happy Birthday To Me! - 19/01/14

No, she's not on her way. She doesn't give a crap that it was mummy's birthday today. She's a horrible and selfish child! Just like her dad :P

Actually her dad has been really nice today. We'd kind of cancelled both of our birthday's this year expecting to be very distracted with our darling little brat but we'd literally planned nothing for mine. James managed to do a good job of keeping me well fed and relaxed which is all any globe shaped person can hope for really.

As for my stress levels, I'm kind of getting over my funk about it all now. I had a date in mind that I really really really REALLY wanted her here by and it's tomorrow so not going to happen. So that's that.

It just seems like we had to go through hell and high water to get pregnant in the first place and I always hoped for a summer baby and definitely not a January baby and even scheduled my cycles that way until I was so convinced it was never ever going to happen that the timing didn't matter anymore and then what do you know? We're pregnant with a January baby!

But wait! She is due mid-Jan right between both mine and James birthday so perhaps this will turn out to be amazing anyway if we can all share a weekend of joint birthday fun every few years!!!

Oh wait, that right. Things don't work out like that for us... She's just going to get dumped with some random shitty January birthday afterall. Yay.

Plus she won't be a Capricorn, she'll be an Aquarius. Not that I'm the sort to give a crap about horoscopes but the general description always seemed to suit both myself and James very well and everyone worries about if they'll be close enough to their children so all being the same horoscope seemed like the closest I was going to get to an assurance that I'll be able to handle her.

As an Aquarius apparently she'll be swapping logical and practical ambition for whimsical and visionary ambition. Instead of stamping her feet if she doesn't get her own way, she'll turn into a drama queen... Give me strength.

Anyway. I'm much more relaxed again now. I didn't even grease up my boobs and belly today!

My only aim now is to avoid my 40+12 induction.

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