Saturday 11 January 2014

39 Weeks Pregnant

That's it. I've officially had enough of pregnancy. I'm done. I want it over. It's not fair that I haven't gone already!

The absolute worst part of pregnancy by this stage is that all the other pregnant people that you've been chatting to are prone to having their babies before you. It's getting to the point where ladies who are due at the beginning of February are one minute claiming possible contractions (pfft, yeah keep keep dreaming) and then announcing their new arrivals (cow!).

It's not just one lady either, it's 90% of them, and that includes first timers! And you don't find comfort in the other ladies who are dying of impatience too, you want to beat them. Even the late ones, them complaining just puts a huge target on their backs. You want to pop before them and evil cackle all the way to the labour ward.

Ideally anyway. Instead I'm still here, not the slightest hint of impending labour :(

No twinges. No plug. No leaking. No nothing.

Well, I have a bit of pressure but everyone says that and I had some cervix bashing pains yesterday that some claim is effacement but others shoot down as being without consequence.

I'm just sulking with the occasional lip tremor and tear everytime I see a baby on TV.

I command you baby! Get. Out!


In other news... No that's it. There is no other news! I'm a women obsessed.

Actually, my weight has stayed the same this week so since 31 weeks I've only put on 5lbs which seems to be significantly lower than anticipated based on my earlier weight gain. I'll have to do an entry just about my weight and figure it out.

My skin is a bit dry on my face and my hair is still devoid of natural moisture.

My bowels have mostly been liquid but without any typically associated cramps. I don't feel like I must go now or mess myself but any effort in that regard and it pours out of me.

Still no stretchmarks but that does not mean I am without marks. I'm really blue veiny on my boobs and bump but I expect them to go as my skins thickens up again when no longer stretched. Unfortunately the top of my thighs are concerning me though as I seemed to have some red thread veins? They might be popped capillaries, I don't know. They are pretty ugly and something I associate with old ladies and I'm not sure that they will go by themselves. I'll take some pics to gross you all out.

Let's see, let's see... Is that all?

My back is ok, no aches and pains. Lots of energy. No complaints except that there has still been no nesting urgency and I really could use a bit of my inner domestic goddess coming out. The house is a dump.

Urgh. I'm hoping this is my last pregnancy week progression entry for my blog. I've even started going off the hospital due date to make myself a couple of days further along which is probably the opposite of what I should be doing.

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