Saturday 29 June 2013

11 Weeks Pregnant

I know reaching 11 weeks isn't a generally acknowledged milestone but for some reason it seems to be marking a lot of emotional baggage finally starting to be packed away nice and neatly for me.

It feels really good to be here, I feel like a weight has been lifted.

I mean, I still don't feel pregnant but I do trust that I am in spite of that fact. I no longer need tangible reassurances nor do I feel the need to justify how I feel about anything.

I don't need to buy stuff, I don't need to plan stuff. I don't feel pressured to feel or act a certain way.

That's not to say I'm not getting anything done... Hmm, maybe it the fact I've got some stuff done that has taken the edge off.

I went swimming which felt amazing, especially with James going on about chlorine and the pregnancy, but I was careful with the leg spreading and I managed 50 lengths very slowly.

I had my electrolysis appointment, again in spite of James whinging, so the beard is gone! It smarted though - ouch! Now I just need monthly appointments for the next several months.

I contacted a caterer for the party I'm planning too.

Oh! And I even think I've found a doula. I contacted her via email and she seems nice and does placenta consumption things, so now I'm just waiting for James to be free and then we'll meet up for a chat.

I suppose all of these things moving forward must all contribute to be feeling content.

Pregnancy wise I did have a total hormonal freak out one day and James was literally lucky to survive after he rose to me. I was in a murderous rage. I googled and apparently moodiness is supposed to subside about now so who knows what that is all about. Luckily it was a one off and I've been chilled since.

My beard is out of control, yes the electrolysis killed the coarse ones, but my previously wispy side fuzz is getting longer and encroaching across my cheeks and I'm sure my arm hair is darkening. I'm starting to feel a bit self-conscious.

I'm pretty bloated today too after a dodgy curry yesterday and after weighing myself I've out on 2.4lbs this week! I'm thinking it'll ease off a bit in the next day or two though.

Still no bump but I am starting to feel less flexible across my waist when I bend forward, a bit like I'm wearing a wide belt.

Roll on week 12!

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