Tuesday 18 June 2013

I'm jinxed several times over - 9+3

Yes, I actually bought something for the baby and it arrived today! Eeeeeeeeeek!

What do they call it? The magic number or magic marker or something... It's apparently magic anyway, reaching the 12 week mark and overnight being free from all worries and strife due to being guaranteed on reaching full term. As if I believe that.

I read that basically if you get a heartbeat, that's as close as you're going to get in terms of assurance. The risk of miscarriage is very high at the beginning and then abruptly falls once you get a heartbeat and then from then onwards the additional decline in risk is actually very minimal.

Well, I got a heartbeat. In fact, I got a heartbeat twice.

And why am I feeling the need to insert a justification right after announcing I made a purchase? Because that is how I've been made to feel. That I need to.

Not by everyone. A few have also bought something, but seemed to have been very secretive about it even from their partners!

The others fall into two categories. "Good for you, but I'm not doing it." and "omg jinxed".

The latter really piss me off. It's so irrational and negative. Don't they have enough to worry about without creating made up reasons to worry about things based upon nothing other than their in built desire to not be content?

If I implied their baby was going to die because of their actions I'm sure someone would be giving me a bollocking, but jinxed due to optimism is fine.

Apparently if you post in the pregnancy section too early your baby does and also if you buy something before 12 weeks your baby dies.

So, I'm stuffed basically, but at least I have a cute little boiler suit to bury the little bean in now even if it doesn't quite fit in it. At least it has something of its own.

That's what I bought. A really cute wool boiler suit type thing with a hood and also a wool sleeping bag. Yes, I've bought into the whole natural fibres thing and I even went *cough* organic but it's only for the first few months for my first child so it's allowed. Stop judging me for spending £65 on one piece of clothing!

They feel lovely and look lovely, and apparently last forever - or until your wash them, whichever comes first.

Oh, and I also got my supplements... Yes, for Tri 2 and Tri 3 too! I read the back and all trimesters nutritional requirements are pretty much exactly the bloody same give or take 20mg of a particular vitamin that I've never heard of. Whatever.

What else did I get? Oh yes, a super wide brimmed hat - totally unrelated to pregnancy. It's for the garden. Well, me when I'm in the garden I mean. I don't just cast it out onto the lawn like a frisbee.

What else have been going on... Nothing much. I have terrible wind but I don't know if its pregnancy or  fibre supplements/constipation related.

Oh! Something pretty cool did happen. I was in Nando's and I went to order and the waitress started going on about my beautiful engagement ring (it is rather stunning if I do say so) and then she told me a brief life story about how her partners dad is dying of cancer and has a year to live so he wants to be the best man at the wedding so now they have to get married so they went looking at rings and found the perfect one and had to travel to shop but when they got there is and already been sold.

I must have said something that implied interest and it prompted her to go on some more about the wedding (hang on it gets cool in a minute) and she started going over it again but this time added that she had a little one on the way.

I asked how far along she was and she was 11 weeks so I told her I was 9+ weeks and I met my very first real life due near me person! (So cool)

It wasn't very cool for long because obviously she had all these symptoms and all these crazy cravings that honestly I think she made some of them up, for example loving sour skittles but only eating the yellow ones (pfft), so in comparison I felt a bit not pregnant but it was still nice for me anyway :) James was less interested ^^

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