Thursday 6 June 2013

Probiotic Pessaries and Antiseptic? - 7+5

Since yesterday I've been inserting my progesterone cream applicator less before administering the cream, thinking that it will be cleaned out much more readily and maybe irritate and clog less, and due to this I've found that I do feel wetter more and am rushing to the loo every two seconds just to find cream with the odd speck of brown.

I also used my thrush pessary before bed which I decided to insert as high up as possible. There is a risk of slower release because its less juicy the further up you go but figured it would coat more of my cervix and ultimately do a more thorough job.

I think that my cervix does actually feel a bit better, however, the opening to my vagina now feels really quite itchy... Maybe it was always itchy but just not compared to my cervix.

I do still have concerns though.

I'm thinking that perhaps I should look into some vaginal probiotics.

I've never used them before, just vaguely aware of them, and I'm thinking that a lot has been going on up there and it is quite possible that after the progesterone pessaries and the thrush treatment that all that will be left is a rather sad vagina that is devoid of any protective bacteria to stop what has already happened from repeating itself.

I did some googling and discovered that thrush = high pH = alkaline (never get my head around that) and that in some countries pregnant women are prescribed probiotics if their vaginal pH goes high because it is linked to premature birth and things like that.

Is it something that my GP might prescribe though? I don't know. Do I want to grab some over the counter? I'm not sure that I do.

So where I stand today is itchy vagina, no known spotting (but I do think there is still a trickle), some heaviness to my uterus (that I'm trying to ignore) and the occasional sharp ovary ache (that I'm also trying to ignore). 

Actually, should I get some thrush cream maybe for external itches?

Oh this is bullshit.

Why do I have so many questions when I was only in touch with both my clinic and my GP yesterday?! How many books do I have scattered around?!

T..... T..... T...... Thrush!

Yeast infection, blah blah blah, don't eat sugar, eat yogurt, apply yogurt (not happening - the dog will be at me), tea tree in bath.

Hmm, I like Dettol in my bath - would that do the same thing? I don't suppose it's very natural though. It almost makes me wish all my zits were on my arse instead of my face so I could get rid of those too while I'm at it lol.

Ok. Fine ill get some tea tree and maybe see what kind of probiotic creams they have over the counter and maybe just phone my GP to see what she thinks before I use it. Maybe I should ask my clinic too but I'm sulking.

Would you believe that they wanted to know what the GP prescribed me but they never phoned me back to find out? That's great patient care for you.

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