Sunday 24 November 2013

Babybond Ultrasound - 32+1

Ok, I caved. There was a bit of an incident yesterday and there simply was no way that we weren't having a scan asap.

Yesterday afternoon I was lying upside down which is a recommended way of turning a breech baby and because the concern is that baby might become engaged in a breech position I ran my fingers around the edge of my pelvis, expecting to dislodge feet if anything after all the kicks I've had in my vagina.

Well, I got a huge shock when I could suddenly feel an extremely hard mass.

I shouted up to James and he came running to see what was wrong and I told him to feel where my bladder is. He immediately had the same thought as me.

"Is that her head?!"

I felt at my ribs and could still feel her head there and, although I've always regarded it as feeling hard, it suddenly felt softer in comparison.

I felt confused and frustrated. Maybe her feet had got stuck and fused together? Maybe I was having twins? Maybe it's something else?

James wanted to know and asked again where her head was.

I couldn't answer. I didn't know anymore!

All I knew was that at her last scan she was breech, she has felt exactly the same since then and everyone else has called breech when they've felt her since.

But there was suddenly doubt. I couldn't carry on turning her if I didn't know she was still breech but I couldn't sit around doing nothing if she was breech.

James suggested we just got a scan done but it's £100!!! Oh fuck it. I didn't really have much choice, I had to know. I was super happy to be able to get one for today anyway.

Well, here she is! <3

She is the image of her daddy, which I guess is only right after all the hoops we jumped through to ensure he was actually her daddy! I am hoping that there is some resemblance to me but it's hard to get past the nose because it's his family trait. It also looks a bit disproportionately large but that seems to be normal on these late scans.

The image is only a narrow section because that seemed to be all that was in focus. The rest of the face was implied but it looked a bit distorted so I'd rather look at bits that are accurate.

At first it was a bit weird seeing her face and I have to admit I was a bit analytical and even critical like I am when I see any new face, but now i just keep going back to it and staring at her in awe. She's so beautiful.

Oh, yeah right, the breech thing.

So... Normally she felt like this.
When we arrived for the scan she felt like this, rotating to a 90 degree either side was common too.

Well... it turned out that she was like this:

So after all of that she's head down, bum up, legs moving freely and she was spine outwards - which is tick, tick, tick and tick for a vaginal delivery!

I don't know where things got muddled, I swear she feels exactly the same as she has for several weeks and in my defence I did call head when I actually finally felt it. I can only assume her head has been very low down for a very long time.

Even the midwife and chiropractor called breech!


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