Saturday 9 November 2013

30 Weeks Pregnant

Yay me! I've made it three quarters of the way through pregnancy! Such a trooper!

Only 7 weeks away from full term (and Xmas) but I've told my little girl she isn't to arrive until 9 weeks from now so I guess I've only got 63 days left until I'll be impatiently waiting - yeah, as if I've ever waited for anything - until she plops out after a couple of well timed contractions. That's how it happens, right? I think I need a poo and a baby comes out instead.

My book says that she's about 40cm long now from head to heel and that 25% of babies are head down now.

Mine isn't.

I watch this girl on YouTube that looks about my age, had IVF and is about a week behind me and she mentioned a scan she'd had and reported that her baby was head down and facing her back, the ideal labour position, and I couldn't help but sigh in envy.

My little girl is being extremely stubborn about it. She'll get as far as lying across my belly but then any further rotation is head up and arse down.

What pisses me off is that everyone acts like it's no big deal. Everyone is so confident that she'll turn before labour, as they sit there with their perfectly positioned babies. All I know is that with every passing day she becomes part of an ever shrinking minority of babies who can't tell the difference between their mums arse and her head. I try not to take it personally, but at least find comfort in knowing she'll look at least a little like me - assuming I don't give birth to the child of the people who were next in line for embryo transfer.

I need to get started on some serious baby turning techniques.

I've actually crafted myself a pillow that will allow me to sleep tummy down to try and help her turn. Well, they suggest you spend a lot of time on all fours but who the fuck is going to do that so I figured I can do it while I'm sleeping. It's pretty comfortable, although tonight will be the real test, so I'm getting visions of the millions I'd make if I could sell it to all those whinging pre-pregnancy tummy sleepers! I'll be rich I tell you!

I'm starting my perineum stretches today with my little gadget called an Epi-no too.

Pregnancy wise, nothing to report. Thinking back on previously mentioned symptoms, my skin is great and my hair still needs washing only once a week with loads of conditioner afterwards. My appitite is pretty minimal because I think room is restricted but I'm ok with sweet stuff now and my cravings for dairy are reducing. I still don't want to cook vegetables or eat them really either, unless they no longer resemble vegetables.

Discharge is non-existent and I don't really have any aches. My boobs seem to have dried up again too, just the very occasional clear fluid.

Sorry to disappoint but no stretch marks yet although my skin has thinned to reveal blue veins all down either side of my bump. Honest, definitely not stretchmarks, just veins. My boobs don't seem any bigger and they don't seem any more veiny than they were pre-pregnancy.

Weight wise I'm 23lb up now so I'm sure by next week I'll be over 2 stone gain. I seem to be consistently hitting 1-2lbs gain per week now so I fear that come my due date I might even be 3 stone heavier. I'm still thinking it'll come off ok though. I do tend to eat for a BMI 30 person and add breastfeeding and pushing the pram to that, then mathematically I should be devoid of a decent number of calories each week to shift the excess.

I don't know what my next milestone is now.

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