Thursday 21 November 2013

Baby Brain

Baby brain is one of those things that I see people constantly using as another excuse to draw attention to their pregnancy while also getting out of looking like a right prat for saying or doing something thoroughly stupid.

In fact I've seen women using it as a very early pregnancy symptom during their 2ww.

We all have those moments though (I hope) where we are distracted and get a bit confused momentary and perhaps speak before we have sorted it out in our head, even when we aren't pregnant.

I often do anyway. I'm always thinking about ten things at a time and therefore the probability of me getting muddled, particularly when my train of thought is interrupted, is quite high.

It's been really nice falling back on the old "baby brain" excuse, although I've come to realise only recently how prematurely I was using the phrase.

Only since about 30 weeks pregnant have I discovered what baby brain really is and it is not a simple case of a bit of a public blonde moment. It's more like the onset of Alzheimer's and it's actually quite scary.

I get confused just like usual, but I no longer have the ability to correct myself. If other people don't point out the error and explain why it's wrong, I don't understand and get all frustrated and even a bit panicked like I'm losing my mind.

They think it's funny like it would be, except for the fact that I no longer get the joke. So they tease and mock because my goof up is sooooooo obvious and stand there feeling like I've just lost someone dear to me, and that is myself.

Luckily I don't feel that way all day long or even every day, but when baby brain strikes it's not a cute and amusing way to highlight my pregnancy to me. It's a sign that pregnancy really does shrink your brain and I'm just praying desparately that once the baby arrives, it grows back again.

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