Saturday 23 November 2013

32 Weeks Pregnant

Oooooooooooooh it's getting close now, not far off at all!

I've been cool as a cumcumber about labour and although I'm still maintaining my composure it's starting to feel like a bit of a facade.

Baby is now apparently 42cm from head to toe. I was wondering what to use to illustrate what 42cm looks like and thought maybe the length of my arm but that's way too long... Wrong!

42cm is exactly the length from my wrist to my armpit shockingly, and that fact doesn't help my facade much either.

I know this is probably tmi, I don't particularly enjoy toilet talk either, but I try to think of the worst experience I've had on the toilet ever. Really hard and painful stools that literally made me fear permanent blockage until I eventually managed to shift them. How big were they? Not very when compared to a baby.

Thinking about the physical dimensions of something the length of my entire arm but twice as wide is starting to play on my mind, just a little bit.

Then there is the baby brain and the frequent liquid diahorhea that's worth a mention.

Oh and my back is killing me and I'm spending most of the night tossing and turning to try and decide which side is marginally the most comfortable but luckily I seem to be managing to return to a deep sleep quickly.

I can confirm that my little girl has definitely been getting the hiccups this week, once or even twice a day. No doubt. 

Omg they're annoying!

I am a hiccup'er. I haaaaaaaate getting them. They are involuntary, painful, occur when most inappropriate and last for ages. Luckily I have only had them once during pregnancy.

No surprise then that other people having hiccups really pisses me off too, never more so than when they are happening in my tummy for over 10 minutes at 3am. And yes I've tried a well timed "BOO!" without effect.

The good news is that I gained 0lbs this week :) Still on a 25lb gain.

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