Wednesday 17 July 2013

Worst. Headache. Ever. - 13+4

Not kidding. I have been suffering all day long.

I got a bit of a headache last night and by bed time my head was throbbing and I had a bit of a temperature but I figured it was tiredness related and my cure for headaches has always been sleep - wake up in a few hours and it'll be gone.

So I couldn't believe it when I opened my eyes this morning and my head immediately seemed to explode. That has never happened to me before, I have never woken up with a headache, ever, and this one was a corker.

I could hardly move because every time I did my head would have a blinding throbbing fit. If I stayed still it was only intense pressure I had to endure.

James was worried, always asking about the baby before asking about me (yes it is no longer cute daddy but more shit husband and is starting to piss me off), so he dutifully brought me some dry cereal and some orange juice and put me a wet flannel into the freezer before heading off to google.

I was left writhing on the bed but did manage a bit more sleep that again brought no relief by the time I woke up.

James returned with my now frozen flannel which felt amaaaaaaazing on my head and eyes and also brought grave news. Headaches are caused by steroid withdrawal and last two weeks!

Bullshit. There is no way I'm having a headache for two weeks!

Then he started asking me questions about if I'd weaned myself off them slow enough and if I'd done alternate days with 1mg and none at all... I'd done exactly as the clinic told me was my response, which did not include anything more complicated than reducing the dosage by 1mg every three days until I was completely off them and that is what I did.

By about lunch time my head was still really awful but I was sick of lying in bed so I got up and made it all the way to the couch before lying down again.

It wasn't until dinner time that I seemed to feel bearable pressure while sitting still and it was only if I moved quickly or flicked my head that I'd be subjected to another agonising thumping.

I knew I wasn't dying because I was still eating (I'm such a trooper) and the inevitable nausea related to such sever headaches was being kept at bay with my seabands. I thought maybe my nausea had just gone but as soon as I removed them I felt ill so back on they went, even if they are a little tight and leave temporary sore points on my wrists.

I'm in bed now with a frozen flannel at the ready to help me off to sleep, but I am feeling better. I do still have a headache but the pressure is mild and the throbbing much more dull. 

I fully expect it to be gone in the morning.

If not, I think I might have to resort to some paracetamol which I had intentionally avoided today because I don't trust it with pregnancy enough to take it without an absolute essential need. I think the  sensation of my brain being splattered on the walls is a suitable emergency but we'll see.

I was supposed to be going swimming tomorrow but I do wonder if the swimming yesterday (plus vacuuming) might have contributed to the headache so I'm not going to go now, maybe on Friday instead.

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