Saturday 13 July 2013

13 Weeks Pregnant

So am I now in the second trimester?! No idea.

It seems to be at the end of the 12th, 13th or 14th week but saying that some people say that 13 weeks pregnant would be the 14th week or something...? When something so simple become so complicated...

This week has flown by with all the scans and things, cant believe we don't have another for several weeks, but I have had quite a few more severe symptoms than normal. Nothing horrible, but things that really took me to the edge and played on my mind a bit.

The main thing has been pains in my abdomen. Actually quite crampy at times, and by crampy I mean that it was persistent waves of discomfort. At the time I was trying to think round ligament but this was central and round ligament pain is supposed to be more towards the groin.

I had that for a couple of days and wondered if it was possibly exercise related because I've been going swimming twice per week and that is very dependant on stretching and posture, so maybe I pulled something.

Then to coincide with the pains, I do have the impression that I have popped a little bit. I've mentioned heaviness before but I'm almost a bit put off balance sometimes. Obviously not in a very real way, I'm nowhere near falling or even misplacing my footing but I just feel like I lean a tiny bit more than I intend sometimes.

I'm starting to feel aware of a bit more bulk up front. James has commented but sometimes I wondered if I'm letting my posture slump and gut hang on purpose, not anymore. James assures me it can't all be that, some of it has to be baby (because I'm so frickin huge?).

I have now been weaning off most of my ongoing immune medications and I feel my worse since my BFP! I have had bouts of nausea again and yesterday I actually thought to myself I could literally be sick for a few minutes. I have also been getting sharp headaches every now and again.

I actually had my very last intralipid done yesterday. Another new nurse who was pretty boring but she was good with the needle and managed to get it done in 100 minutes which is a record by about an hour.

My weight this week has only gone up by 0.4lb but that brings the total to 7lbs for the 1st Tri which is still quite a lot really. I do retain water like a cactus though.

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