Saturday 27 July 2013

15 Weeks Pregnant

It's starting to feel like we're hitting the high numbers but at the same time I feel as if I'm digressing into the paranoia I suffered in the early weeks.

It has been 3 weeks or so since our last scan and the only indication I have that everything is ok with baby is my ever increasing weight and my favourite time of the day first thing in the morning when there is a distinct hump just below my belly button.

The hump also tends to distort my gut as it leans to the side that I've been lying on which is lovely. I'm trying to lie on my left as instructed so I think my uterus falls forward and towards gravity pulling it left.

Some mornings it isn't there, like this morning, and I can only assume it means that I failed at staying on my left and probably spent the night on my back which is by far the most comfortable position to be in.

I've decided that lying on my back would actually minimise stretch marks due to the weight of the baby  pulling through my skin when on my side, which is just typical.

I read that lying on my back would mean the weight of the baby would press against vital blood vessels and cut of my circulation to the lower half of my body. 

I've put on another lb this week and shudder at the thought of where I'll end up.

My only symptoms have been itching skin, apparently caused by the heat, and some twinges in my boobs. Oh, and some some really unpleasant shooting pains in my bum.

And the belly of course. I think I'll post up my bump progression next week.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about sleeping on your back at the moment, as the baby gets bigger you will find that its to uncomfortable to sleep on your back and you will instinctively roll on your side. I found by the third trimester back sleeping was no longer possible so enjoy it while you still can ;-)
