Sunday 26 May 2013

Last Day of Being Pregnant? 6w2d

I did a stupid thing yesterday. I got myself some FRERs and tested, all because I saw someone on YouTube who is a few days behind me test and she showed off this dark test line/light control line test and I really wanted to see one.

Well, I didn't.

For a while, the test was all about the test line but then the control started picking up and by the time the test had finished drying both the test and the control were super dark on my test.

I have made an executive decision and decided that the people at FRER have clearly started putting more dye into the test to prevent the control line disappearing. A very sensible thing to do I suppose, even more sensible if they bloody told someone about it!

I couldn't imagine the test line getting darker, but the control line is just the same. Bastards.

Needless to say I am never ever testing again!

In fact, I've come up with an invention <deleted for copyright> (I don't want you stealing my zillions)

In a way it was good getting that awful test because my mind has gone into "convince myself of pregnancy" mode to prevent myself from having a breakdown, so I'm feeling quite confident about tomorrow's scan at the moment.

I showed some girls a pic of my pregnancy bump (or my short, fat, constipated, IVF bump) and they seemed impressed at how huge I am. I got a twang of that bitter sweet feeling I've seen other mums complaining of because people have notices a bump, but ultimately are commenting on your huge abnormal size.

Yes I look pregnant! Shame it's all fat and constipation, but they don't know that. I must resist the urge to tell everyone that!

Urgh, I really hope today isn't my last day of being pregnant :(


  1. Wishing you loads of luck for tomorrow lou lou cant wait to see your scan piccie xxx

  2. Hope your scan went well Lou xx

  3. Irrelevant now, but the control lines on my tests were always dark. they never faded just because the test line got darker. Wish I'd read this sooner, I might have given you some piece of mind?
