Friday 24 May 2013


Oh my what a stressful day.

It started off with a blazing row with James over how to deal with the dogs in public. They're good dogs but I get on edge around other people's dogs because even though my lad is a really friendly dog, other dogs always take a dislike to him even when the owners claim their dogs are friendly they just come right over and start growling so then the owners get a bollocking off me and James finds it all very embarrassing.

It got really heated so we head back to the cottage to fume and I go to the toilet and wipe... And I'm pretty sure I saw some coloured dots. It was weird. Not like coloured discharge, it was like there was a cut and I wiped across it and there was a a smeared droplet on the tissue.

I poked to find more but I couldn't. The discharge was perhaps a little orange which freaked me out still but afterwards I was confused about if I'd seen anything at all.

I made a huge mistake then of casually telling James about it and he completely broke down. He looked like he was about to cry and I quickly had to try and back track and practically retract what I said. He wanted to know if the pregnancy was over and I found myself trying to pacify him while at the same time being irritated by the fact that it was suddenly all about him. He was the upset one and I was having to make him feel better.

I couldn't really think of what to do to clarify the situation except to take a test but I was really scared of doing a CB digi because on 4+2 it was still showing 1-2 weeks so at 5+2 I was scared it would say 2-3 or even worse still say 1-2!

I could just squeeze out enough pee to cover the bottom of a cup and dipped the test and waited, and waited. I was expecting it to say "Pregnant" instantly but it didn't. I started feeling a bit sick and when the result finally flashed up I started crying.

I could hear James frantically running down the stairs to get to me so I called out "It's ok, it's good".

Pregnant 3+


I was so relieved but still a bit shaken about the dot on the tissue, once you get it in your head something might not be right every other symptoms to you get seems to support it.

Walking to a restaurant later, I felt like I was getting painful cramps. Every few moments a cramp would hit me and I just tried to ignore it, not wanting to make another fuss in front of James.

We were going to go for seafood but James was disagreeing with me about what I couldn't eat again. I said cooked shellfish was fine, he said it wasn't. I don't mind him trying to do what is best for the embryos, in fact I'm just relieved he's showing an interest at all, but he doesn't do any research. He tries to impose things on me based on his short sighted assumptions.

Luckily the seafood place was closed so it gives me an opportunity to show him that I can eat cooked shellfish but still the menu was very restrictive to me when we found somewhere else to go.

I ordered my duck well done and heard the landlord suggesting that the chef would not be happy cooking it well so James had to explain that I was pregnant which was annoying.

It was a really nice meal though but as we left, I started feeling the cramps again. Strange that they were gone during the meal... Actually they seemed to get worse when I inhaled. Belly out = cramp. Maybe it's not a cramp at all, it feels very much on my back... That's it! I've done my back in when I was washing the dogs! Testing the theory as we walked, it was definitely my back and only happened when I puffed my belly out.

I wouldn't mind but I wasn't lifting the dogs or anything, just leaning over them while soaping and rinsing them. I'm glad it's not cramps though. No spotting and probably no cramps!

Alls well that ends well :)

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