Sunday 20 October 2013

Milky boobies?

I'm in the habit of giving my nipples a brief squeeze as I'm putting my bra on, just to see.

Often I get several teeny tiny clear droplets on at least one nipple but didn't think anything of it because I've had that when I wasn't even pregnant. I'd assumed that perhaps it was bath water collecting in the pores.

Well, I just gave them a squeeze and the droplets were cloudy, not clear!

I ran upstairs to James to show him and he reckoned they weren't clear either... So what does that mean?!

Could it be milk already?

James did his usual of asking me loads of vague questions and then rolling over to go back to sleep and I'm left to try and figure out if something is wrong.

I've heard of people collecting and freezing pre-milk called colostrum which is supposed to be really good for baby but it was hardly anything and i gave them another single squeeze and nothing else came out.

I've read that you're not supposed to stimulate the nipples too much as it can bring on labour.

Gosh I feel so shocked and panicked about it. I feel like pacing around the room and packing my hospital bag.

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