Monday 28 October 2013

Midwife, C-sec and blood sugar - 28/10/13

I had my 28 week midwife appointment today which involved her taking blood to check my iron levels and also my antibodies. Antibodies for what, I don't know.

We had a brief chat and she tested my urine sample and I jumped up on the couch to low down so she could do my blood pressure, babies heartbeat, fundal measurement and take the blood samples.

My BP was fine, babies heartbeat was fine at 150, she actually got a tape measure out for the first time to do the fundal height which was spot on and she was a whizz at taking the blood sample so good all round.

I made a point of asking her to check babies orientation after being told she was breech legs extended at the 26 week ultrasound and no surprise she was pretty much the same. I have no idea what that says about the hiccups the other day.

Her head was at about 2 o'clock and when I seemed a bit frustrated and told her that it's been between 12 and 3 o'clock for the past couple of weeks at least and doesn't show any signs of moving she seemed to be a bit sympathetic and explained to me that it's a particularly difficult position for the baby to turn from.

She tried to explain that because it's legs are extended, baby can't use them to push themselves around as easily (imagine trying to swim forward with your feet by your head) and also more room is taken up by the legs.

She didn't say it was impossible and that I had until 36 weeks but I could tell that she was trying to prepare me for the more likely possibility of baby not turning and being a breech labour.

That lead to more questions from me about if I could have a vaginal birth if the baby was breech and the simple answer was no. 

Not only has the skill of delivering breech babies been mostly lost to the csec culture but again, the position of the babies legs was more unfavourable for breech delivery too because her foot could be delivered before I was fully dilated which she implied was not something they'd not want to risk.

Do they offer a more natural csec at my hospital and allow skin to skin etc? No.


She said the best thing I could do is get my arse up high and see if the extra room that it creates (at the expense of lung capacity it seems) allows her to correct her legs and then hopefully have more control over her movement.

Feeling a bit glum and picking up the signs that she was willing me to leave, I mentioned that my blood sugar has been a bit low too these past couple of mornings.

James is a diabetic so has a blood sugar meter and I've been waking up feeling a bit nauseous and weak and both times my blood sugar has been at 3.4 and 3.7 when it should always be between 4 and 7. She said that I should just try to eat a more substantial meal at bedtime, but she wasn't concerned because my pee was clear.

I got up to left and she said she'd see me in three weeks which seemed quite soon but I don't know if that is due to the blood results or her being concerned about the breech presentation. She genuinely seemed upset for me because she could tell I wanted to have a natural vaginal delivery which I assume is less common nowadays.

I spent the afternoon shopping for baby stuff and then as soon as I got home I had my arse up. I stayed like that for a while and then got some frozen chips which I placed where she likes to put her head normally because they are supposed to move away from the cold and sure enough she went from 12 to 3 o'clock but then no further. 

I tried sticking at it but I just got a horrible feeling that maybe there was a reason that she couldn't get around any further and I didn't want to hurt her, so I stopped.

I went upstairs and jumped in a warm bath and gave her head a rub... OMG, where was her head?!

Not at 3 o'clock. Dare I hope to find her at 6? No... 9? No.

She was at 12 o'clock, the little sod!

Ages on the sofa with the weight of my boobs and bump crippling my neck and within 2 minutes she was back right where I didn't want her.

We had a nice steamy bath together anyway and I decided that I'm going to go and have another private scan asap just to make sure there isn't a reason for her not being able to move like perhaps the cord is wrapped around her or something.

I am pretty bummed at the concept of a c-section though.

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