Saturday 5 October 2013

25 Weeks Pregnant

I think week 24 to 25 has definitely been the quickest so far. Wow I have no sense that a whole week has passed, it feels like it was only yesterday I was writing out my 24 week blog.

What has happened? No idea!

Umm lets think.

I guess I've got a lot done this week in preparation for the baby like buying stuff and decorating and exercising but ill stick all those into their own blog entries as I get around to it. Oh I saw the midwife too.

Pregnancy wise, I'm definitely feeling like I'm there. I am definitely pregnant. In fact I feel more pregnant than I have in all the previous weeks combined. 

I don't know what has clicked exactly, it's just that I look undeniably pregnant and I feel perfectly normal except for the movements in my tummy that couldn't possibly be anything other than a baby.

I'm assuming that I'm at that pregnancy peak where briefly everything is great.

My little girl is regular in her movements and even if can't remember when I last felt her, I'll give her a poke and she pokes me right back, cheeky little swine that she is.

Actually her movements have changed. She is more boney. Sometimes I can feel scratching which I assume is her hands and then thumps that I assume is her legs. Just tonight I shouted James over to feel my tummy because I could really feel her, like literally feel a large hard mass protruding out of my right side. James said head but I was thinking more bum and spine. It was really cool.

Long gone are the days where I'm worrying and looking for symptoms of anything and analysing everything constantly, yet I fear that the days of persistent aches, pains, heartburn, stretch marks and labour symptoms are just around the corner.

My skin is amazing, comparatively speaking, and my only other thing is the vivid dreams which I quite enjoy and... you're not going to believe it, but sleeping in!

I've been awake on average from about 6am every morning since I got pregnant but these past few days I've woken up at 10:30!!! And I've woken up feeling well rested, not groggy. It's bliss.

Oh, one annoyance is my hair. I thought I was supposed to drop it all after the birth but I have balls of hair all over the house already.

Besides that, life is good! In fact it's great. Amazing!

Weight wise, not put anything on this week at all so another plus :)

One slight thing that is frustrating me is not knowing when I'm in the third trimester. My book says I'm in the third trimester now, some forums seems to say week 26 and others say week 27 or even 28 and I don't know if they mean for example when I turn 26 weeks or when I enter my 26th week which would be when I'm 25+. I think I'm going to go off when I'm week 27, so in two weeks time xx

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