Monday 16 December 2013

Midwife Appointment - 35+2

Had my midwife appointment today and am starting to get that feel of familiarity with her. She's nice.

There was a student midwife there too who looked sweet, if uncomfortable. She was on her first placement apparently.

As I walked in she took the pee sample and handed it to the student to dip. It was clear which was a relief after the protein in it recently. She told me she'd be taking my blood count too just for routine and not because I look pale, because I always do! The cheek! There will come a time people comment on my wrinkle free complexion and then it'll be my turn to mock.

She was keen to know if baby had turned and she was amazed that she had, but I offered her my suspicion that perhaps she stopped being breech right after my 26 week scan. She still thought it was very unusual with her legs being described as extended that she could turn.

I told her about my consultant appointment and planned induction and she asked me how I felt about it. I don't really feel anything about it. I'm still able to be niave about my chances of coaxing her out (or into a very favourable situation) before the induction and I'm also niave about how induction will be managed and progress.

She made it clear that a csection would occur if induction didn't work within the allotted timeframe but she was supportive of getting her out in advance. She told me that I must get the consultant to write in my notes that the community midwife can perform a sweep for me and although they are only allowed to do one attempt, she talked about fitting me in for a couple.

She also talked about hand expressing in the run up to induction. I'm unsure whether it was in relation to getting her out before the induction or due to the unnatural nature of induction/csec or perhaps both, but she thought it was very important and would ensure a better milk supply. 

She made a generalisation that women who conceive via IVF have a harder time with milk production because conception is unnatural but admitted it was just a speculation of hers. I think it's bullshit personally, or at least a result of the reasons for needing IVF or higher induction and csec rates with IVF and not because it's an extension of the artificial nature of the conception.

So then it was up on the bed and the student did my blood pressure. I've never understood the reading so when she asked the midwife to check it I thought something was wrong but it wasn't. It was normal.

Then it was belly out and the student measured my bump which came back at 35 - weeks or cm I don't know. The midwife said fine.

The student then used the doppler and got a heart rate of 136, so it's starting to slow a little as expected I think.

I warned them she was very active but they still squee'd as they poked around and she gave them a good thrashing as if it had never happened before. They both felt for her position and pointed out her foot to me and she karate kicked them in response. I'm sure she was trying to be helpful but just like me she tends to go about it like a bull in a china shop lol

The the midwife came over to check her engagement and she felt me very low indeed, I'm sure my natural hair colour was on show at this point. She kind had her hand in a pinscher shape and held the head and wiggled it side to side. It was really quite uncomfortable, like she was poking a fresh bruise, and she said the head wasn't engaged quite yet because she could wiggle it. Not much she added, but it wasn't locked in place yet.

I was a little disappointed but not much. I just felt I wanted her to be engaging for some reason, probably because of the induction talk.

She expertly took my blood from my non-existent veins while James looked away and then it was back into my chair.

More giggles erupted as my belly continued to visibly bounce around. There was lots of awwww's from the midwife and student and pride from daddy. It might seem cute, but it knew that my little girl was majorly pissed. She's so funny.

Then it was a case of asking if I had any more questions, yes I did but typically my mind failed me.

I wanted to asked her about feeling like I've been kicked in the crotch but forgot, although it has suddenly got much worse since she checked baby's engagement so I'm thinking it must just be linked to that kind of movement on my pelvis.

She made me another appointment for 37 and sent us on our way.

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