Saturday 14 December 2013

35 Weeks Pregnant

Ok, it's not funny anymore, time is going stupidly quickly.

I cannot believe I'm another week down! I haven't made a single bit of progress on anything all week, the panic to box tick is still in effect but the motivation is at an all time low.

I'm not even particularly tired or in pain, I just can not be arsed.

I think that I've started adopting a "everything will be fine" mantra for the upcoming labour and motherhood and things and it's rubbing off on all aspects. It will be fine if people don't get Xmas cards before Xmas. It will be fine if the nursery walls aren't finished. It will be fine if my hospital bag isn't packed until I'm heading into hospital.

Will it?! I dunno.

All I do know is that I'm not letting anything or anyone distract me from the excitement and anticipation of being a mummy, and all those who attempt to can do one. I have a zero tolerance for any source of drama and omg there has been a couple of those this week!

It never ceases to amaze me how people envision themselves to be all moral and righteous, but always reveal themselves as being nothing more than conceited and pompous as soon as they open their mouths.

Urgh, I'm not even getting into it. It might be a right nobby thing to say, but I have more important things to deal with! I'm going to have a child, I can no longer participate in classroom antics myself.

Belly-wise, it's still delicious. I love how my bump looks, lovely and round. And big! I bought these dresses from Tesco in the sale (so about £5 each) and they are just up and down dresses made out of elasticated material, nothing special, but they make my bump look fantastic!!! 

I got them in a size bigger than pre-pregnancy and I can see people's eyes being drawn right to my belly and having an expression that makes me think that they're a bit nervous I could cause a slip hazard at any moment lol

Even my yoga friend, who is actually more like my swimming friend now but whatever, commented on my dress. I looked at her in her pants and top combo and even though her bump is just as big, it didn't look that way and I think it bothered her mwhahaha ;)

Oh I did have a bit of a pregnancy related drama. At my consultation they spotted protein+ in my urine but dismissed it pretty much but then a couple of days later I wiped green which made me worry about the infection so I went straight to the GP to get my urine done again. Well, I mainly just wanted some specific advice on which over the counter stuff to use but they redid my urine. It came back protein trace so again it was dismissed and they told me to simply drink more.

I guess I have been slacking a bit on the water but it's so hard to drink when you have a gut full of baby and you know that within 10 minutes of drinking a decent amout of water that you'll be needing to pee every 5 minutes for the next hour.

I've been keeping on top of it though. Its so much fun needing James to stop at every single petrol station with a loo (ick) when we're out and getting up 15 times a night but needs must I suppose.

I'm in a bit of a losing battle with my aches and pains too. I have a choice of having a bad back from sitting on my ball all day (I thought they were supposed to be great at aligning your back too) or I can support my back but get an extremely sore coccyx from sitting in my chair.

I do have an exciting new symptom which is the sensation of being kicked in the crotch. It's like someone literally booted me and I am left with the lingering bruised feeling in my lady lips and in the fatty bit at the top.

I was hoping maybe it was related to engagement, but a google search has a few ladies who have experienced it but some much earlier in pregnancy. 

Plus baby is still quite high up, well I say high up but she's been very wiggly today and she does feel different. She's normally on the left but she feels more on the right now.

Gosh she's big. Thinking back to how weird it was imagining this thing growing inside my belly, it doesn't compare to trying to get my head around this fully formed baby who is totally capable of surviving outside residing in my belly.

I've come to see her as a scuba diver.

Forgot to do my weight today, but I'll throw it up tomorrow with a pic of me in my cheapo belly dress.

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