Saturday 28 December 2013

37 Weeks Pregnant

So here we are! Full term! 37 weeks!

We are now at the stage where I could go into labour and baby could come at any time and there wouldn't be any emergency, no justified panic or worrying.

If I was so inclined, when labour kicked off I could just stay in front of the TV and continue to make my way through my CSI box set until the baby painlessly and effortlessly popped out.

To be honest, I was expecting a bit more of a sense of achievement but instead I simply feel a bit bewildered.

I'm waiting for something to happen but I don't know when or where or even how to recognise it. What will it feel like? How quickly will it happen? How will we cope? Will everything be ok?

I've read about it and I've been told about it, but if all these sources agree on one point it's how individual it is and not just for each person but for each separate pregnancy. There is no way of knowing anything about it except that it'll result in me being a mummy, James being a daddy and our little girl will be safely in our arms.

In a way the inevitability helps me to relax but in another way I'm a bit anxious. Very, actually. Not about the whole thing, just the start.

Pregnancy wise I'm feeling very good emotionally and physically. I've been very lucky, apparently. I always think a certain amount of it comes down to perspective though, I do tend to be happy go lucky and others do tend to see the worst and that can be reflected in how good or bad someone feels on a day to day basis.

I mean, I'm sure some ladies really do genuinely suffer but sometimes you just know which people will suffer because of how they are normally.

My blood pressure is always good, I saw the chiropractor today and she did my BP and said it was as good as it could be for someone of my age when they aren't pregnant so to have such a good reading and be 37 weeks pregnant was amazing.

I have a friend who is one day behind me, the one I met at yoga and do all these pregnancy exercises with, and sadly over Christmas her hands and feet have swollen and BP risen practically overnight, so it is a worry. You just never know.

The chiropractor also fiddled with my pelvis and things and even showed James some moves to help relieve joint and muscle aches during labour. In fact she did this thing to me while I was leaning over a ball and it felt fantastic! She kind of lowered one side of my pelvis towards the floor which seemed to make my whole spine feel loose and then massaged the the raised sided of my pelvis and back. If James can nail that one, I'm sorted!

My hair is still on the dry side so requires washing once a week at the very most and then needs deep conditioning. Ideally, I think it'd go two weeks to retain more natural moisture but I'd feel a bit self conscious about that.

Skin is mostly nice, but I can feel a couple of blocked pores trying to establish themselves and tempt me into picking them but I know I must not because if I do, the resulting red marks will linger into my new mummy photos.

Boobs are soft and not sore at all. I guess I was expecting them to be a bit swollen and tender by now. I try not to poke them too much so haven't seen any juice coming out of them for a while but I'm confident that I could get some by practising what the midwife showed me to try and stimulate labour.

My appitite is still poor (for me). I do eat but it's out of habit rather than hunger and when I do eat its quite an average portion and I haven't been snacking. I really don't understand how this is supposed to be the peak of gorging tendancies for pregnant women when I hardly have room to inhale, nevermind scoff!

It was still a surprise when I weighed myself today after "christmas week" and found that I'd lost 2lbs! How?!?!?! That puts me back to a 28lb aka 2 stone weight gain by full term.

Hmm, what else....

Oh, the pain. The agonising pain.

Night time is quickly turning into a bit of a nightmare.

I get *the* worst dead legs ever. My entire legs go into spasm if I move them a certain way and I have to scream at James to help straighten my legs to relieve them.

Then, little miss has also taken a liking to my right rib cage. She tucks herself up there and I literally can't bend due to a combination of chewing tinfoil twinges and fearing that I'll squish her.

Just last night, I woke up at god knows what time desparately needing a wee. She was under my ribs so I was trying to stand up without bending and my whole abdomen and thighs started spasming. All I could do was breathe through the pain and try again, which just triggered the same response. It was awful and I ended up waking James up with my intense whimpers and he thought I was in labour! I think he was relieved though when I told him I was going to wet the bed if he didn't help me up NOW!

The only other thing that I can think to mention is that I suddenly feel very flabby. It's hard to think that she has maybe dropped considering all the rib action, but I have definitely gone very soft on my tummy. I haven't been able to pinch an inch for a long long time and now I suddenly can again. It's quite depressing actually.

I think that's it for 37 weeks.

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