Sunday 11 August 2013

17 Weeks Pregnant

Ok, so a day late. I had a loooooooong day yesterday and didn't get back in until 01:30. 

This week on the whole had been quite uneventful except for me really starting to believe that I was at times actually feeling the baby moving!

I've been "feeling" it since I turned 15 weeks but it was just a couple of brief bubbles and then nothing for hours so I figured it could easily be something else.

However since I hit 16 weeks I've been feeling it more often and stronger and one time it went on for a few moments right in the same places, whereas gas tends to migrate and results in me needing to release it.

I wouldn't say it feels like butterflies or flutters though. I suppose popping bubbles is the most accurate of the commonly used descriptions but to me it feels exactly how I'd imagined it to feel. It feels like someone is flicking me from inside.

I described it to James as if someone is poking me on the inside of my cheek.

Just this last day or two I've also been getting more pains in my stomach but they are worse than before. I feel like I've been doing stomach crunches for an hour. I ache from under my ribs right down my front and past my bladder.

I went for a wee yesterday and as my bladder emptied my whole stomach throbbed with the change in pressure and right at that point the baby kicked and I let out a gasp in pain. I felt pretty self conscious after that. Strange noises coming from the public bathroom.

My boobs are frickin HUGE. I thought they were big already but it seems that they have doubled in size overnight. Perhaps my bump would look bigger if my boobs would stop growing as the same rate!

I have had a bit of bump envy. I want a big round bump and feel frustrated at anyone else that does regardless of how far along they are in comparison. It just seems that my bump doesn't reflect the fact that have a baby in my belly that is now about 12cm long.

My weight has jumped up this week but I have been eating a lot of food. Lots of eating out and I know it's bad but it's what I want... The thought of eating cooked vegetables, especially green ones, has been my main aversion this whole pregnancy and making any sort of veg at home feels like too great a task. Alas, I'm going to have to go on a diet from tomorrow. Not a diet diet, but the sensible cereal for breakfast and soup for lunch and lean meat for tea with fruit for snacks.

I've put on 10lbs so far and based upon my start BMI I shouldn't put on more than 25lbs for the whole pregnancy. I'm coming up to half way in both gestation and weight gain, except by the end of the first half the baby is the size of an apple and in the second it's the size of a melon so it's not exactly a 50:50 split.

I reckon you'd put on about a third of the total in the first trimester, so at this rate I'm heading for 30+ lbs already. Urgh.

My skin isn't so bad anymore, less so if I'd stop picking.

My hairiness is unnoticeable I think.

Oh, my thumbs have a fungal infection which is a bit of a nightmare. They are sore, contagious and I'm under the impression that any anti fungals are a no no. I think I got it from cutting James toe nails for him as he's a diabetic and is supposed to keep on top of them, and doesn't. Ick.

Right, I'm off out for my last "supper". Full English please!

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