Monday 23 September 2013

23 Weeks Pregnant

I know it's a couple of days late as I'm actually 23+2 but I've been away this weekend to Padstow, just me and James for our fourth anniversary.

It's been really nice achieving our first annual occasion and actually being pregnant this time around!

The three of us enjoyed Rick Stein's food empire in its entirety and had an amazing time, although I doubt the logic of a weekend getaway because as soon as you get settled its time to come home again. And we left the dogs at home and I missed them very much!

I'm less than a week away from 24 weeks pregnant too and I'm so excited I just can't wait!

We had a bit of a drama because I actually fell over and whereas I'm the sort to jump up and laugh it off, James is the loud gasping sort who assumes I've broken every bone in my body and reacts as such which is what I find super embarrassing rather than the actual falling over part.

I didn't even properly fall over. I was standing on a slope of wet grass and I slipped sidewards onto my arse and James want off like an ambulance siren so just incase there was anyone that missed me falling over in the first place, they got to catch me getting up and going bright red and trying my best to suck in my bump.

He was sweet though because he kept asking if I was ok and if baby was ok which she obviously was (because she resides in the growing bump on my stomach and not the growing bumps on my arse) and it became clear he was actually concerned rather than it being his usual knee jerk reaction of creating melodrama at anything unexpected.

So besides the lack of balance, the main things that have gone on with the pregnancy are me having very vivid dreams and also suffering pretty badly with my leg.

The dreams have been so realistic and graphic but random too. They're not pregnancy related either. 

There was one where I was in an apartment block in a futuristic world and the bad guys were destroying the buildings with people inside and suddenly ours was filling with water so everyone was heading upwards and I followed some scientists and grabbed onto their helicopter to watch everyone else on the roof die as we flew off.

I get them every night and it seems like they've lasted all night long too.

As for my dicky leg, well I've been getting a dead leg some nights thanks to lying on my side. It keeps me awake when I get it but it has faded by morning. Normally. This time it stuck with me for three days! I could feel it zapping down the outside of my thigh and continuing down my shin but not exactly painful. Just uncomfortable.

My boobs are still huge and veiny, my bump seems to be popping some more and I'm feeling a bit insecure too.

I just feel fat and bloated and rather unattractive. Hopefully it's just a phase.

Weight wise is put on 0.8lb which I think is bad. I'm sure it's supposed to be 0.5lb per week so I'm going to be making more effort to eat less simple carbs this week.

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